Welcome to love life coaching and events home to trauma & grief coaching

Navigating life’s journey can be daunting, especially when faced with profound challenges. Whether you’ve recently experienced the heartache of losing a loved one or find yourself grappling with the complexities of a struggling relationship, know that you’re not alone.

Remember, amidst life’s trials and tribulation’s, there’s always a beacon of hope: the ability to carry on loving the life you live and to live the life you once loved. Embrace each challenge as a chance to create a more joyful existence, one chat at a time. You may need grief coaching, speak to Lucy our expert to see how we can help.

Struggling with Menopause or Perimenopause? We have just launched our brand new programme

Bereavement Coaching

Are you currently in one of these situations:

  • Finding it difficult to navigate your grief
  • Struggling to come to terms with a loss
  • Feel lost in your emotions and unable to function

If you think you are starting to struggle, talk to us so we can help you cope better through this difficult time.

1-1 Support for grief counselling
1-1 support grief counselling

We provide 1-1 support

Grief can cause adults & children to suffer with anxiety, depression, anger, addictions, physical, emotional & mental health issues which can cause your behaviour, feelings & emotions to change. All grievers need to be heard not judged, & we are here to listen & move your life forward with clarity.

We will be able to help you ease the pain of grief & whatever is holding you back, fears, unhelpful behaviours, belief, habits that no longer support who you are or who you want to be.

We provide 1-1 grief coaching & support

Grief can cause adults & children to suffer with anxiety, depression, anger, addictions, physical, emotional & mental health issues which can cause your behaviour, feelings & emotions to change. All grievers need to be heard not judged, & we are here to listen & move your life forward with clarity.

With our grief coaching course will be able to help you ease the pain of grief & whatever is holding you back, fears, unhelpful behaviours, belief, habits that no longer support who you are or who you want to be.

Relationship Coaching

Are you currently in one of these situations:

  • Been through or currently experiencing a divorce
  • Recently split from your partner and feel stuck
  • Unable to move forward with your life
  • Constantly thinking about them and feeling pain

You might find yourself facing the prospect of becoming a single parent or saying goodbye to a once hopeful relationship. Don’t struggle on your own, let us help.

Grief Counselling Birmingham -

You are never alone

This is your journey to freedom, let us be your guide and support you through the hardest time in your life. Here at Love Life Again we specialise in grief coaching & understand the overwhelming pain of grief in your life.

Our founder Lucy Cole has personally experienced multiple variations of grief (death, divorce, left martial home, lost my business, financial issues) in a short space of time leaving her lost, depressed, anxious & completely unmotivated for life. That’s why we can relate to you on a deeper level

Abuse Coaching

Are you currently in one of these situations:

  • Feeling trapped in your current situation
  • Afraid to talk freely about what’s going on
  • Experiencing a feeling of helplessness
  • Confused about how you feel towards them

Physical, mental and sexual abuse can affect you in a magnitude of different ways. Let’s help you understand your feelings through our grief to growth programme.

Abuse Counselling

Are you in one of these situations:

  • Feeling trapped in your current situation
  • Afraid to talk freely about what’s going on
  • Experiencing a feeling of helpnesses
  • Confused about how you feel towards them

Physical, mental and sexual abuse can affect you in a magnitude of different ways. Let’s help you understand your feelings.

Lucy Cole - CEO of Love Life coaching

Lucy Cole – Founder of Love Life Coaching & Events

I am a fully qualified Trainer, Master NLP & Hypnotherapist, with certified certifications in Personal Evolutionary, Health Coaching and Emotional Health Coaching.

I launched Love Life Coaching & Events Ltd in 2020 which specialises in Grief and Trauma Recovery to give the people the help I never had.

I can now share my knowledge, experience & inspire people to come through these very difficult times, from darkness to the light with my grief coaching support.

Mental Health Coaching

Are you currently in one of these situations:

  • Feeling lost in one or more areas in your life
  • Constantly thinking negatively about new situations
  • Feeling uncertain about who you really are
  • Not knowing where you belong in life

We get to the root cause of why you are behaving & feeling in a certain way & by using some very powerful talking therapy, hypnosis, NLP & healing techniques, we can reprogram your thoughts, patterns & behaviours.

Finding clarity and the confidence to stride forward with certainty is what you can certainly achieve through breakthrough coaching.

1-1 support grief counselling

Grief to growth programme for anxiety and depression

Do you feel in so much pain that you’re unable to function daily, complete simple tasks, feel emotionally drained & fatigued, feel low, empty & lost, experiencing anxiety/anger & using unhelpful coping mechanisms to suppress your emotions. These are all natural feelings & emotions & how you physically, mentally & emotionally react to grief. Here at LOVE LIFE AGAIN we can help you heal & grow from your grief/pain with our grief coaching.

1-1 support grief counselling

Grief to growth programme for anxiety and depression

Do you feel in so much pain that you’re unable to function daily, complete simple tasks, feel emotionally drained & fatigued, feel low, empty & lost, experiencing anxiety/anger & using unhelpful coping mechanisms to suppress your emotions. These are all natural feelings & emotions & how you physically, mentally & emotionally react to grief. Here at LOVE LIFE AGAIN we can help you heal & grow from your grief/pain

Trauma Coaching

Are you currently in one of these situations:

  • Struggling to identify your triggers
  • Your trauma having a hold of your life
  • Reliving the same nightmare of the incident
  • Struggling to talk about the cause of your trauma
  • Are you experiencing fits of rage, irritability or difficulty sleeping

Everyones trauma is different and how we react is never the same, we create a safe space for you to openly talk about your trauma.

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We are only a phone call away to start your journey from grief to growth. Speak to Lucy for guidance on our grief coaching.

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Make sure you keep up to date with all of our recent grief coaching news and events. We are growing a community to help one another.